Contact me!

A fully-supported and surrendered birth is a few clicks away

***Completely booked through 2024***

While i am fully booked, I would love to refer you to my sister doula, Gabby Estrella at!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Prenatal appointments will be used to get to know each other, build trust, and understand and determine birth preferences, as well as cover childbirth education topics as time allows. Clients who book more than one prenatal appointment will have more time to receive all of the education and coping skills available and time to build a relationship and strengthen their doula/client bond.

  • Prenatals are the opportunity we have to get comfortable with one another and be as educated about the birth process as possible. We highly encourage you to have as many prenatals as you can.

  • As soon as possible. The more time we have to connect and learn, the better.

  • Yes I work with several local back-up doulas in the incredibly rare instance of need. I ensure a client is never left unsupported.

  • In the event of a planned or unplanned c-section, your support will not be affected*.

    *hospital policy will dictate whether or not I am able to accompany you into the OR. Please check with your provider for this information. If I am unable to be in the room with you for your c-section, I will resume care in your recovery room.